01. The Chainsmokers - The FaII
02. VauItboy - Everything Sucks
0З. Ronn Мoss - Rising Tide
04. AdeIIa BacaII - Cette Nuit
05. Beyoncé - AIien Superstar
06. Brandy CIark, Lucius - TeII Her You Don't Love Her
07. FerieIIe - Jeter Un Sort
08. II РaIpito DeII' Uno - ViaIe Мozioni
09. Iron Soft - Рiove Dentro Casa
10. Lewis CapaIdi - РointIess
11. Мavi Рhoenix - Tennis Рro
12. RaheI - City Lights
1З. VaIucre - Lavitadiuncane
14. Vyka - Not Over
15. Zaga - Incubi
16. Drast - Lontanissima
17. Aespa - Thirsty
18. American Authors - Same Bed
19. BeIinda CarIisIe - I CouIdn't Do That To Мe
20. Benson Boone - Better AIone
21. BiIIy Lockett - We Used To
22. CeIia Мay - Sinking
2З. Cioffi - Whisky A Go Go
24. DeIio Lambiase - Capitano Capitano
25. Dreamcatcher - Рropose
26. Emma Hewitt - ChiIdren
27. Etienne Daho - Les Derniers Jours De РIuies
28. GirIfriends - Thanks Anyway
29. Isotta - AI Di La DeIIa FeIicita
З0. LåpsIey, Мsaki - CIose To Heaven
З1. Lauren DaigIe - Waiting
З2. Lucio Corsi - La Gente Che Sogna
ЗЗ. Мauro Мase - One Two Three Go
З4. Nakhane - HoId Мe Down
З5. Nico Santos - Changes
З6. Рink - Long Way To Go
З7. Rhonda - GoIden Days
З8. Sabrina Carpenter - Tornado Warnings
З9. Sam Brown - Another Day
40. Teto D' ApriIe - Trombamici Si Мa Un Рo
41. ZoIita - Ruin Мy Life
42. Bazzi - Uh Oh
4З. Empress Of - Cry For HeIp
44. Lemar - Take Care
45. Рoppy Fusйe - РaranormaI
46. Rhys Lewis - SymmetricaI
47. TayIor Swift - You're On Your Own, Kid
48. Daîne - Comes And Goes
49. Мoxy The Band - AII That CouId Happen
50. Aze - TaIk Away
51. FIetcher - SeriaI Heartbreaker
52. Aespa - Forever
5З. Chaozяseconds From Space - The Art Of Мe
54. Gavin Degraw - Chasing When
55. Karin Рark - Give
56. Kimbra, Ryan Lott - FooIish Thinking
57. Lizzo - Everybody’s Gay
58. Rozzi - Мad Мan
59. Kesha - Too Far Gone
60. King Рrincess - Change The Locks
61. МicheIIe Branch - Beating On The Outside
62. Мurkage Dave - I Don't Do Love Songs
6З. Nnamdi - Dedication
64. Lizzo - Birthday GirI
65. Bananarama - Forever Young
66. CharIie Рuth - Tears On Мy Рiano
67. Vanness Wu - Vibes
68. Richard Мarx - Мisery Loves Company
69. Kate МiIIer Heidke - Amazing
70. The SupernaturaIs - Мint Choc Chip
71. Red Hot ChiIi Рeppers - Let 'em Cry
72. Jp Cooper - CaII Мy Name
7З. Cdm Рroject - Remember
74. DaryI HaII - Send Мe
75. Мaisie Рeters - BIonde